Kate Martin, wife of Aston Martin founder Lionel Martin, in Coal Scuttle, with mechanic Jack Addis.
‘Coal Scuttle’ was sold by the firm
in 1924 and later disappeared
(August 23, 2024) GAYDON, England — The search is on for a priceless piece of British luxury car brand Aston Martin’s earliest history. A1 was the very first car to be built by Bamford & Martin Ltd, the company that would quickly become Aston Martin. Nicknamed "Coal Scuttle" because of its simple styling that was, to many, redolent of the ubiquitous fuel container that almost every home in the nation would have had a century ago, the car was created in the summer of 1914 and, over the course of the next 10 years, helped the company’s founders publicize their business.