(September 16, 2022) AACA National and the Hershey Region AACA welcome back antique car enthusiasts to Hershey, Pa., for the 67th Eastern Fall Nationals, Oct. 4-7. The big difference for this year’s event is the change in the days it is being held. The flea market and car corral will be Tuesday-Friday and the car show will be on Friday. (In the past, the car show has been held on Saturday.)
Call it a tradition. Refer to it as antique car mecca. Cross it off your bucket list. Just simply say “Hershey” to an antique car hobbyist and they’ll know exactly what you are talking about. More than 700 volunteers from the Region work all year long to put together the largest antique car show and flea market in the world. The show normally attracts more than 250,000 visitors.
If you are looking for antique car parts or to add to your collection of antique car memorabilia, you will most definitely be able to find something in the flea market with 9,000 vendor spaces.
Thinking about getting into the hobby and looking to buy your first antique car or considering adding to your current garage collection, look no further than the car corral with 1,000 spaces where cars will be for sale every day of the show. Just looking to spend the day leisurely strolling among more than 1,000 antique cars and reminiscing about yesteryear, then Friday’s car show is for you.
Old or young, male or female, hobbyist or admirer, owner or spectator — Hershey is for everyone! Over the four-day show, you will be amazed by the size of the event, the cars you see, the people you meet and the memories you make.
WHO: AACA is the world’s largest and oldest antique car club with 45,000+ members and 350+ local Regions and Chapters across the U.S. and other countries. Each year, 10-15 National shows and tours are hosted by the nonprofit. This National event is hosted by the local Hershey Region AACA.
WHY: AACA prides itself on being the premier club and resource for the collectible vehicle community. Car shows, like this one, are the best way to share this wonderful hobby with everyone.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND THE SHOW: Antique car enthusiasts, plus their friends and families. This show is free to the public (must be an AACA member to show a car) and very kid friendly. Parking fee charged by venue.
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct, 4 thru Friday, Oct. 7, 2022; 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
WHERE: Hershey Park/Giant Center, 100 Hersheypark Drive, Hershey, Pa.