
Miami Auto Museum announces special collection limited display

(December 4, 2013) MIAMI, Florida — The Miami Auto Museum at the Dezer Collection has created a special exhibition to share their latest acquisition. Nearly 50 classic cars were obtained from a private collector and are now on public display.

'Pickups: The Art of Utility' on display at Peterson Automotive Museum

(November 15, 2013) LOS ANGELES — Created to be a functional workhorse, the pickup truck has evolved into a high profile means of personal expression. The Petersen Automotive Museum’s newest exhibition, Pickups: The Art of Utility illustrates how vehicles with such modest and practical beginnings have matured to become everyday high-tech luxury vehicles for some and indispensable tools of the trade for others.


Saratoga Automobile Museum opens 'Remade in America' exhibit

(November 13, 2013) SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y.  —  Remade in America celebrates automobiles, trucks and motorcycles that hit a chord in our souls, whether restored beauties or rusting hulks. From a 1932 Ford built by Boyd Coddington to a 1966 GTO, we’ll have something for everyone. 

The opening reception for the display will be Nov. 22 at the Saratoga Automobile Museum. The reception is free to auto museum members, $15 for non-members in advance, and $20 at the door.

